We were blogging.. about.. the.. space.. between.. us.. all

Software is hidden and rarely satisfies anyone. Or if/when it does, it's damned short-lived.

And talk about not being able to please all the people all the time, holy whew!

So many words, so little time.

So many thoughts, so little peace.

> Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the whole “human > experience” thing right.

Simply being is as “right” as it gets.

> Now though all things can have their due course. It’s > a morning in Hanoi. No debts to pay and still my daily > walk will come. Next up that liberal dose of caffeine to > overtake my senses. Maybe a seat in a park after. This > little park with benches and kids and moments to spare.

There's really little else that need be done but be here right now, and even that arguably isn't a doing.

> Caught up in our stories, how often do we experience life > as it is? No matter what's going on, no matter how frenzied > our day, we can interrupt whatever story we're tormenting > ourselves with and just be aware of the air we inhale, > that keeps us alive, or the clothes that keep us warm, > or the ground under our feet, right here, right now. We > can turn our attention away from what is not, and bring > it to what is.

Thank you!

> My sister and I have arty parties on random weekends. The > end goal is for us to create an identical painting, > chat and have a fun time, but our parties usually end > up with me becoming frustrated and disappointed by what > I draw while my sister looks at me with regret, anger > and disappointment, wondering why she ever agreed to > “paint” with me in the first place.

Could it be time for the two of you to paint the town together?

> I apologize if you have found this blog. I occasionally > write here, but I do not accept any responsibility for > any damage caused by me writing here.

“Damage” me, please!