Two day

Today is looking to be one of those days that probably turns out much better than I'm hazily fearing due to the amount of work I see in “getting ready”, “becoming presentable”, etc. Just want to sit here on the couch drinking coffee until it's time to drink something else.

Instead, there's a music rehearsal in an hour, then we're off to surprise my partner's grandchildren at a sort of winter vacation place they're at.

Aren't children the most amazingly enlightening pains in the ass you'll ever meet?

So I need to pop up from this couch soon, shave, get the hair under control (a pony tie and a baseball cap should suffice), apply a bit of witch hazel to facial areas susceptible to some kind rot (only in the winter, though.. go figure..) since going on a cruise to Aruba over half a decade ago, pants and shoes on, hopefully find release in the bathroom one more time, make a cup of coffee to go.

We had such a fun time playing pool against each other last night in a dive bar I mentioned a bunch of installments back. Lotsa salt 'o da Earth, there.

That said, I couldn't fucking shoot for shit....