So much occasionally constructive vibrational interference

Hey, it turns out not looking at all is easier. You just type for a while, copy/paste it into the buffer (I suppose I could have typed it directly into the buffer.. but then I'd have missed out on yet another installment of The Joy of VI(M)), click on a right-arrow-ish symbol, boom: one is suddenly relevant, if not a member of something sooooooo much bigger.

There's no way you'll ever believe me, but I really really truly and honestly am listening to this in this sacred moment of complete and total transparency. (Sure, it's not nearly as compelling as this or this or especially this, but gimme a break, may, because I'm like eighty thousand years older than all of 'em combined, so sounding like I was born yesterday isn't nearly as straightforward.. (would “progressives” on the United States *pleeeeeease” get busy with banning what I want to call falling-off logs because GOD FORBID SOMEONE SHOULD GET HURT...?))

I wish I could tell you it was going to be alright.

But it sped past me so fast that I somehow didn't know Barry wrote both “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” and “I am stuck on Band-Aid, 'cause Band-Aid's stuck on me!”... let alone take time to notice the world became even less than lowly hand-basket worthy somewhat on my watch, but that's because it all happened so fast (even faster than MTV died..), and now, well, such a mess, hanging on for dear life, despite knowing and occasionally practicing the fact mind is a shimmering illusory distraction from