And we don't even have a tail!

A truly idiotic article title: “We Need a New Capitalism”

Why idiotic?

Because “capitalism” (or any other “ism” seemingly categorizing how a group of people are behaving with and relative to each other) isn't a thing: it's a description.

It's not like people are en masse looking at various socio-economic system options and going, “Oh! Let's do this one!”

Rather, people do what the heck they want, and later people looking at a meta level of collective results imagine seeing patterns, and going “That IS some thing!”

Nope. Totally an emergent property of people individually doing what the heck they want.

So, we don't need a new emergent property as though such could reach back and change emergent interference patterns of millions/billions of people doing as they please.

We need people doing something(s) else, something(s) whose collective interference patterns seem to create a new, more benevolent, less-likely-to-implode emergent meta description.

The aforementioned article title is classic belief a tail could wag the dog.

So let's stop being dogs, then, shall we? ;–)