And now do I return to replydom

Y'all being pinnacle grade bloggers means I was probably the last to know, but here goes anyway.

The next 7 months will be like this. Wandering around the world basically but skipping Europe pretty much. I cannot wait though for Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, and Dubai. But that gets me ahead of myself. Now it’s my favorite place to be right now. Manic and crazy Saigon. I love it completely.

Love the reports, Mike!


Well.... o-kay.

Let's write about sex and let's try to be candid. It might be difficult, because it's a subject lined in both taboo and dirty excitement. This is not pornography. This is my struggle.

It's funny. There was a time when I really ate up erotica, seemingly couldn't get enough of it.

But then some combination of saturation and aging put the kibosh on that appetite.

Oh, wait, there was another factor: after a while the stories all seem to become fundamentally the same, which implies they invoke what I want to call “familiarity spoilers”, meaning one really doesn't have to read the material to know how they're going to transpire and end.

The girl before was plain dirty but also a dirty liar. She would share my pleasure and could suck me off for an hour. A few times she told me she came three times. I didn't know whether to believe. I found comfort in the fact that the number must be at least one else she was really selling herself short.

Oh. You're reminding me of another “erotica effectiveness mitigator”, namely knowing the characters of a story are people, which would be fine if people were other than as they are, but given what they are we know there's going to be misunderstanding preceding heartache and misery, if not biologically driven negative emotions (e.g. jealousy – more implicit spoilers, really).

I am sitting here and thinking about how I am not/ cannot / will not get tattoos anymore. I had this reoccurring discussion with a friend of mine from Florida where we discussed the discomfort of getting a tattoo. Not just the pain in-and-of itself when the needle was going into the skin, that part is fine. But the way tattoo artists all (oddly) act the same. And they all act like condescending dickheads. ALL of them. Literally not a single exception in my experience of getting tattooed numerous times since 2008.

Huh. Wow. This is honestly the first time I've read such. Interesting to know, even though there's no chance I'd be ever heading that direction anyway, mainly because it just plain never comes to mind due to the inertia of decades of the absence of such thoughts.

To do these things you need fuck-you money, and you don't get to Gates' heights of fuck-you money without having said fuck-you to a few people and the drive to step on them. Pretending that Gates' capacity to help tackle these big issues is all about how smart and uniquely talented Bill happens to be is disingenuous. His intelligence and drive help when pushing against apathy and inertia and corruption, I'm sure, but also do his uncountable piles of money. And to get there, you need to have behaved in a very particular way.

I appreciate this heads-up on the documentary!

Of course, the likes of DOS and Windows are sufficient motivation for my never bother learning much about the man. What a fucking mis-direct on the possibilities of computing environments, which I think single-handedly did more to keep people tech stupid than anything else (and I'm starting to think browsers run a close second).

But the sun is shining in a blue sky, it's a three day work week for me, and lots and lots of other reasons to be grateful to be perpetually mis-modeling The Ineffable Reality... <cough>