Who shall escape the rising tides of being there and everywhere but here and now?

I keep forgetting to mention how much I've enjoyed egoecho the few times I've endured/risked the browser's translation thereof.

Can someone please create a service (for pay, of course) that keeps track of online subscriptions, showing their cost, next expiration date, whether they automatically renew, and a link to where one can unsubscribe from them? I mean, who the hell wants to remember all that, or put it in some file that one promptly loses, etc., etc.? So tiring... so set up to increase the chances one gets stuck for paying for another year of whatever crap, etc.

Or does that already exist?

See also: indeed is backing off coffee no fun at all.

But what beauty in the here and now! You should see the fullness of trees outside this window, branches and leaves swaying against the sun-drenched blue sky, various sounds both identifiable and not, the room a landfill of discarded bullshit I once imagined would make me happy, smiling at the pajama bottoms beneath the polo shirt that hopefully validates me as a viable remote employee when on camera.

<two-handed gesture indicating comparative weighing of two things>

Let's see... all that glory I just described.. or all this verbiage that's mostly so much pixilated screen CO2 leading unto mental climate change invariably for the worse...?

(he types, as the side of a formerly prized mental glacier sheers off into the ocean of undifferentiated mental fluid)