What is today, anyway?

Preparations are underway for my move from Write.as to Micro.blog.

The more things change, et. al.

That said, I'll be keeping my eye on the public reader feed here, since there are some interesting people coming through Write.as.

I'm trying to remember how I became aware of write.as... but can't. It was most likely something that popped out at me while looking at the selection menu presented by my popurls.com scraper, e.g.:

1) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l6d9fde41656778ca554c7f631052476e (fhackernews)
Mux (YC W16) is hiring across the board to build the future of online video

2) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l5ad5a947ac82e1b956fa0cf902bd6c04 (fhackernews)
Most Massive Neutron Star Ever Detected, Almost Too Massive to Exist

3) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/lcb1b154b6fa08ed4ac9cb395e7bec63e (fhackernews)
Where you are born is more predictive of your future than any other factor

4) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l700ca36d6c718e7817a7c3b3122a4934 (fhackernews)
Richard Stallman Resigns from the FSF after Epstein Comments

5) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/lc974d9973c71cee87ac89765075f5751 (fhackernews)
What it was like to fly the baddest airplane the world has ever known

6) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l4fec5074a79ab8c3c9d4349f82e931b0 (fhackernews)
Realtime Surveillance Will Test the British Tolerance for Cameras

7) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l3e12fa1ecaba5b3fe3e4ee726b6f443b (fhackernews)
Gary Larson's the Far Side: Uncommon, Unreal, and (Soon-to-Be) Unfrozen

8) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/l2b1123eb7ece197c67bdcfa516880b73 (fhackernews)
Richard Stallman Resigns as FSF President

9) http://www.popurls.com/go/pop/ldf4ddfea5747630da8f5cee984a247b7 (fhackernews)
Ribbon (YC S17) is hiring data engineers who love making messy data useful

Wow. People getting worked about Richard Stallman. Fancy that...

(I actually had brief email interaction with him over a song spoof I recorded, whose title and lyrics featured the word “gnu” – so, of course...)

Gosh, I wish I could write more personally like this.

Ok. That's enough. I'll write more later.

I do hope so.

And a whole lotta ditto on here as well.