Washing these here blogging paws with soapdish and water

I'm working on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (on homemade bread), something I suspect I've not had in at least a decade.

Also, having just seen a couple birds doing their herky-jerky head movements atop the fence just outside this window has me wondering if they live in a sped-up world. It's, like, in the time I've slowly turned my head about 15 degrees from left to right, they've boom-boom-boom'd their head back and forth in discrete jumps several times.

I'm in a typical, Monday morning “How will I ever become interested in this work shit again?” work funk.

And it's all write.as's fault! ;–)

But I also lay a bit of blame on my coworkers' digital doorsteps for not trying a little harder to be a little less typical.

We watch a now semi-ancient movie called “Soapdish” and, ohmygod, I nearly stopped breathing in places.

Also chanced upon a Letterman “Sonny and Cher” interview from 1987 that I somehow wasn't aware of before last night.