My inbox just pinned the blogosphere (oh, wait.. it's the “Fediverse” now..) to the mat

Me gots to say that, for my typing dollar, email still beats the fuck out of blogging.

So what's the thrill here? That after typing for a while and clicking the right-arrow-looking-ish “Publish” button those words appear elsewhere?

But... I've been able to do that with an index.html file for.. umm... decades?

So, in other words, it's pretty much the same as it's always been but for the front-end aspect of it making it possible for people that can't figure out html syntax – oh, and maybe just a couple teeny weeny niggling little details.. – to participate?

Bold question that'll likely cause the planet to wobble off its axis, complete with accusations of racism, sexism, et. al. (because Deity knows we've all got to pretend we're all equal despite glaring evidence to the contrary, or face the fate worse than death also known as herd shunning): but maybe that syntax is the equivalent of a Darwinian intelligence hurdle/filter whose absence is what helped (d?)evolve the internet from a place where smart people figured out how to interact, to a place where any idiot can display their idiocy to the disconcerting annoyance of too many others?


Anyway.. fortunately I don't have to worry about ever reading any answers to that, as We Just Don't Do That Here.