Let's just say I gnu this was going to happen

This strikes me as a classic example of rampant, fundamentalism in using another's imperfections as opportunity for attention to one's own self-righteousness.

That it lives in “Medium” makes perfectly good sense.

Then again, I've been wrong before.

But I'm just so tired of gleeful zealousness for punishment seemingly far exceeding gleeful zealousness for mutual understanding and/or acceptance.

I'm starting to believe that calling people out publicly without having first attempted to interact with and possibly more fully understand them is just so much Verbal Great And Powerful Oz masking rather typical – and, thus, pathetic – curtain-limited egos.

I find this statement particularly sadly hilarious:

The answer is that we should be proactive instead of reactive.

because that article represents the pinnacle of being reactive (public shaming) instead of proactive (actually interacting with the person one wishes to publicly flay).