Here's winking at you, Murphy!

Perhaps that's it.

I'm talking about no less than the root of “Murphy's Law”.

It just might be one's own non-acceptance of the moment as it is personified.

It might also explain the sense that “no good deed goes unpunished”.

And perhaps other expressions of popular “wisdom”?

Escape from – i.e. non-acceptances of – the moment as it is.. is but a – one might even say the – dream.

Of course, it's hard to say for sure when the very epicenter of bias is making the call.

Before the above “arrived”, I was playing a couple hands of this crazy two-deck solitaire game my sister became aware of in college, and subsequently infected my dad an brother with. And what was mostly coming to mind was how “it's all a sort of billiard balls solitaire”, by which I mean no amount of “coming together” (e.g. language, “the internet”) can – in minds – surmount self-notions premised upon being separate selves.

No matter how clever the “coming together” mechanisms, the self-maintaining notion of being separate reigns supreme in its lonely kingdom.

In that sense, blogs are pretty much peak hilarity examples: that, for the most part, they're anything but agents of “coming together” despite having their being in arguably the most robust “coming together” environment/realm those imagining the world have ever seemingly seen.

The problem is likely much deeper than getting the likes of HTML et. al. “right”.

So much for the great and powerful “full stack”....