Here comes the Sunday

Hello, Sunday!

Feels like it's been days since we last nodded.

Got me some great leftovers for breakfast, although it's looking rather grey out.

(Author has long preferred the 'e' spelling....)

There'll be more work to do today. How do I know? My wife put on her redundancy cap before listing just a tiny little slice of all we've to do. But I knew in advance it was mostly just needing to talk. And I get that, it being the mental equivalent of, well... elimination.

What I'm trying to tell you is there used to be a time when I'd stress over such lists. Fortunately, reality intervenes in the forms akin to aches, pains, backtracking, new thinking on a list bullet or two, exhaustion, etc. I'm just saying there's always ample supply of where to put blame for less than timely completion if and/or when progress drags.

Yesterday it came to mind how as a kid I loved hiding messages for future others in unobvious places. Of course, I didn't understand how ink fades, paper deteriorates in varieties of ways, water's solvent muscle, etc., etc., so probably few if any such little gifts made it to another's eyes.

I'm vaguely remembering feeling similarly about “local BBS's” when they “became a thing” – as though places to hide nuggets for randomly special others, maybe even in breadcrumbs-ian fashion leading unto interaction. I think that underlying theme slowly smouldered beneath most to all of my online involvement.

But it slowly became obvious online realms suffered their own kinds of dissolution, e.g. files deleted, links to nowhere, sites becoming walled, sites disappearing, the output of increasing numbers of participants drowning out my own secret messages.

Turns out scraps of paper, 3x5 cards, etc., are far less addictive and/or “reality masking” than the infinite screen. They also afford opportunities for doodling, drawing, arrow between scribbles. No need for a modem/router/provider. Cheap, easy, to the point, cost very much in line with what it's all really worth, etc.