Going to the fair

Liberal tribe people seem fundamentally gripped/motivated by one goal: to make life fair.

Which, of course, is impossible.

Worse yet (for them), while they protest, rail, and strive (though according to some magically murmured accounts/reports from unnamed sources <ha ha>, such seems mostly merely versions of whine...) in vain against universal unfairness whose underpinnings are far below human behavior (indeed, even the words “all <insert your favorite gender to identify with> [rolls eyes] are created equally” are on some pretty shaky ground given the variances in size, strength, intelligence, acuity, etc.), those who've accepted the unfairness of life as a given run circles around them.

Which, of course, they see as – you guessed it – unfair.

It gets even funnier, though. About the only way I can think of there could be the fairness they seek would be through intercession by an independent, impartial, infinitely powerful judge: the possibility of which they smugly refuse to believe in.

Makes me wonder.