Blogs in keep on turning

> It's a very corrupt world.

Yes. Up USA way it's been very interesting to have been shown the underbelly of how complicit the so-called “news media” is with The Swamp™. It apparently took deplorables to know deplorables. The rumor-mongering has made those historically stereotyped as gossip/rumor masters seem tame-bordering-on-sterile. And the TDS headfake engineered by The Swamp™? Top notch. I've never seen such thorough, coordinated mental illness at such scale.

But, in fact, it seems everyone's lying all the time, which taints concern over corruption with hypocrisy regardless who points it out.

> Luckily, I am a strange and weird person – and strive to > be more alien-like in this world. Normalcy is toxic, and > doing what everyone else is doing, thinking what everyone > else is thinking, being on the same, uniform, conformist > page as everyone else is something that truly sickens me.

I hear that. Probably felt it far more deeply at your age. I recall even honestly believing something could be done about it.

But once you study and eventually become honest about the limitations of the by-definition separation of individuality, well, there's not much to do but no longer fret. Sure, you want to help others get there. But that individuality thing includes fear, inability to trust, the sense “it's you or me” with respect to survival resources, and an inter-conceptuality gulf/divide so profound it's a miracle anyone ever understands anyone else (and I highly suspect that most of the time people think they do, that's really more like hope they do, and most likely don't...).

There are ways around it. But ego will have none of it. Ego will launch any and every self-ignorance campaign necessary to protect it's little fur ball 'o fear/loathing/etc.

Oh well....

                                       I'm just
                                     sitting here
                                     watching the
                                    mental illness
                                       wheels go
                                    round and round

– Watching the Wheels – 2020 update

I had kinda hoped that by now there'd be someone(s) else to at least joke around from meta points of view with respect to the madness. But then I look out to see I'm surrounded by glazed eyes paired with mouths poised to single-reality-tunnel rant in ways that soon enough become violent? I guess not. I guess everyone's prepared to take the idea of themselves infinitely seriously – in stark contrast to millennia-recognized wisdom – no doubt slow-boiling themselves therein.

It's entertaining in a “just when you think ego couldn't manifest any more ridiculously” way – not to mention in a “the more earnestly one tries to describe it, the more ridiculous one (haha) must become about the self-referentiality of it all” way....