A letter to a censor wannabe

Dear Stoicism & Me,

Frantic blogging isn't healthy

One person's “frantic” is another's “normal” is another's “creative” is another's “fun”, etcetera, etcetera.

So obviously those who can't digest certain textural foods shouldn't ingest them, and it's more than a little silly to try to cast such foods as necessarily toxic to others' textgestion systems.

Write.as is gradually getting a lot more crazy people...

<similar to treatment of 'frantic', above>

I wish there was a way to mute certain users from read.write.as so it could return to the nice light read it used to be – instead of what looks mostly like a playground for drug fuelled manic raving nowadays...

Lots of options, including good 'ole “scroll past what you don't like”.

I could probably whip something up in Greasemonkey that would scrape certain users. :hmm:

Please include “Inquiry” in that scrape.

Write.asly yours, Inquiry